Mahabharat team celebrates its success


Popular mythological drama “Mahabharat” of Star Plus is off air now and the producer duo Siddharth Kumar Tewary and Rahul Kumar Tewary celebrate its success with the entire team.

The show, which premiered September 16, went off air Saturday and the same night a party was thrown here by the producers.

The cast and crew watched the last episode together, which was followed by memento distribution ceremony and cake cutting.

Celebrities like Salim Khan, Saurabh Raaj Jain, Shaheer Sheikh, Saurav Raj Gujar, Vin Raina, Ankit Mohan, Karan Khanna and Ravi Dubey attended the do.

The show also managed to garner good numbers and the show had a good bunch of actors who stole the hearts of many because of their amazing acting skills.

The show was directed by Siddharth Anand Kumar, Amarprith G, S Chawda, Kamal Monga and Loknath Pandey . Not only the star cast, but show lured attention due to its flawless use of costumes, set design and other technicalities.
Show was also praised by the viewers outside India.


Gandhari in Mahabharat

In contrast to B.R. Chopra’s Mahabharat, the new Mahabharat – helmed mostly by Hindus if its promo material is any indication – has managed to mangle the original text in the very first episode. The story of Shantanu and Ganga’s marriage is missing (was it Ganga’s multiple male foeticide that the modern writers couldn’t handle? Or the fact that she left her husband raised a son as a single mother and didn’t return to matrimony?). Satyavati is presented to us as beautiful, reckless and selfish. Her backstory has been edited and instead of her father, it is she who demands her heirs inherit the throne of Hastinapur. (Because if you’re a strong, ambitious woman, then you must have a few shades of villainy in you. Duh.)

Most curiously, the narrator of this Mahabharat is Krishna, of milky-white complexion despite his name and the description of the legendary deity.  Chronologically speaking, when Shantanu and Satyavati were romancing, Krishna was nowhere near being born since even his parents Devaki and Vasudev wouldn’t be a twinkle in their parents’ eyes at the time. Shantanu and Satyavati’s daughters-in-law gave birth to Dhritarashtra and Pandu, whose sons (the Kauravas and Pandavas) were Krishna’s contemporaries. One of the consultants for the new Mahabharat is Devdutt Pattanaik, who has written a number of wonderful books retelling stories from Indian mythology.

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