Hathaway s embarrassing night at McConaughey s house

Anne Hathaway and McConaughey

Anne Hathaway and McConaughey

Los Angeles, Oct 24 (IANS) Actress Anne Hathaway was left embarrassed when she turned up to a party at Matthew McConaughey’s house a day late.

At the recent American Cinematheque tribute to McConaughey, Hathaway shared how the two became friends, reports eonline.com.

“I have a story and it’s kind of embarrassing,” she said.

McConaughey invited Hathaway and her husband Adam Shulman to his house here for a party. 

“My husband and I drive up. It’s a Sunday. It’s a beautiful day. There are no cars around and we thought, OK, we’re on time. We’re on time for once,” Hathaway said.

McConaughey greeted them at the door with a big smile on his face.

“Matthew goes, ‘Yeah, you gotta come in,'” Hathaway recalled. “Matthew turns around, again (with) a smile and goes, ‘The party was last night’.”

But McConaughey told the couple to stay and have a glass of wine.

“That glass of wine lead to the first bottle. I stopped counting after four and then I went with you to someone’s surprise birthday party that night…You were so good to me and Adam,” Hathaway said.

Hathaway was impressed with McConaughey since day one. “It’s our first day on ‘Interstellar’. I don’t know what to expect, but I meet you and you are present. You seem so cool and you seem so sincere and I walk away and I think, Wow, that guy’s just amazing.”

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