Oscar winning Hollywood director lauds Indian poets Earth Anthem

 Oscar-winningAcademy Award winner Hollywood director Jeffrey D. Brown has called an Indian poet-diplomat’s “Earth Anthem” a “joyous celebration of our common humanity”.

In a growing support for the call of an official anthem for the planet, the Hollywood director added his voice, saying: “I just listened to Abhay K’s lovely ‘Earth Anthem’ – what a joyous celebration of our common humanity. The blue pearl is something many yoga traditions have us meditate to find – wonderful to realize this is also our beloved planet Earth.”

Brown is best known for the directing, producing and writing the short film “Molly’s Pilgrim” for which he won an Academy Award in 1986. He has directed the narrative feature film “Sold” (2014) based on Patricia McCormick’s novel “Sold”.

Poet-diplomat Abhay K. wrote the ‘Earth Anthem’ as a poem in 2008 in St. Petersburg, Russia inspired by the blue marble photograph of the planet taken from Apollo 17 in 1972. Later it was translated into all the official languages of the United Nations and was set to music in Nepal. 

The first two lines of the poem are:

“Our cosmic oasis, cosmic blue pearl

The most beautiful planet of the universe.”

Brown added: “Our beloved planet Earth is a blue pearl which we must all cherish and Abhay K’s anthem will be a reminder to do so.”

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