Cops foil Miscreant attempt to murder Bollywood singer Lucky Ali

Lucky Ali under threat: police nab 8 Miscreants


Thanks to the efforts of the Yelahanka New Town police in Bengalooru city, the world will not be mourning the death of yet another Bollywood celebrity. Son of Bollywood actor the late Mehmood, Bollywood singer Lucky Ali’s life was in danger from 8 Miscreants, who had allegedly been sent to kill him.

Ali was in his farmhouse on Sunday when one of his security guards spotted some men lurking around, looking suspicious. Ali and his guards immediately tipped off the police, who are said to have arrived within 10 minutes to the spot and were able to nab all 8 people. The group consisting of Rowdy Mahesh and his associates was then rounded up and is being questioned. Meanwhile, the police found deadly weapons like machetes and swords in the Miscreants’ vehicles.

The story the police has been able to piece together is that the 8 were waiting for the 56 year old singer to step out of his farmhouse on Sunday evening, after which they would attack him. One of the 8 said they had been hired by Asif Ali to get rid of Lucky Ali.

The reason for these attacks has been identified by the police as a family dispute involving a farmhouse near Yelahanka. A civil case is still going on regarding this matter and the singer says he has received a couple of threats since.

According to police reports, two of the gang members have been identified as local thugs Harish and Naveen. A case of attempt to dacoity has been filed against the 8 because there is lack of proof. During the interrogation, the men also let slip that someone called Munna along with Asif commissioned them to murder Ali. However, the police is continuing the probe because of suspicion that some other persons are involved.

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